In Kind

31. Bringing Emotional Release for Men Into the Spotlight, with the Mankind Project

Julie Krohner

Where are we in 2021 on definitions of masculinity? Is there any difference between how men and women 'do' emotional release? Today I'm talking with Boysen Hodgson from the Mankind Project, an international men's community. They train men to be vulnerable, self-empathic and self-reflective. They're normalizing the emotionally intelligent man. We cover everything from 80s movies to women's reactions to men who 'overshare.' This is for anyone who has a man in their life - brother, son, father, partner, friend. It's a conversation that's so overdue, and we're having it! Enjoy.

Mankind Project - check out their trainings & men's groups 
Brene don't hate me if you're listening! We never circled back to the "Brene  Brown thing," which was a reference to her research about women complaining that the men in their lives crossed a threshold with emotional release, and it can permanently change the dynamic of their relationship. This comes from the On Being episode "The Courage to be Vulnerable." Which - zero exaggeration - I've listened to over 100 times.