In Kind
Welcome to In Kind, a show about self and other empathy. Hear actionable advice from experts around cleaning up your self-talk, aiming for imperfection, and the importance of releasing emotions. In some episodes, I guide anonymous guests through the release something they've held inside for years . Recognizing how similar we are as emotional beings produces profound healing, closure, movement and motivation. Benefits apply to all relationships - life, work, and most importantly the one with yourself. Feel free to contact me julie@lightinguprooms.com
In Kind
30. From Suicidal to Self-Love: Reframing I'm Not Enough, with Evan
What do you do when you believe you're not good enough in ANY aspect of your life? Evan is here to tell you that you're not alone. He shares tons of tactics and practices that have helped him move through suicidal ideation, financial crisis, acceptance of an invalidating father, the death of a stillborn child, addiction, depression and anxiety. Though he still feels the uphill slog of succeeding in his obligations and desires, this is one refreshingly grounded human. Enjoy.
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie (this is where to find the poem "Father Forgets")
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Find a CBT therapist
Internal Family Systems (IFS) episode with Dr. Richard Schwartz