In Kind

29. Expert Hour, No Bad Parts! IFS founder Dr. Richard Schwartz Shows Us How to Empathically Lead Our Internal Family of Selves

Julie Krohner

In this episode you’ll learn that we all have an entire family interacting inside of us! They are called parts.  None of them are bad, and we can learn to become the leader and healer of our Self. Harvard Medical School Psychiatrist, founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapy, and author Dr. Richard Schwartz has decades of evidence to prove that human nature is inherently good. You’ll see how quickly you can access your parts, and develop empathy for them and the roles they play. You may even be able to release a part that’s stuck in a role they don’t want, like I did in the on-air mini-session. Mind blown. It was like 10 years of therapy in 10 minutes. Recommendation: Don’t skip around in this episode. Enjoy!


SoundsTrue - Course: Greater than the Sum of Our Parts
IFS Institute - Pre-order No Bad Parts, find a therapist, join an online circle group

You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting for - IFS in relationships
The Mosaic Mind