In Kind

16. The Importance of Validating a Child's Feelings, with Minnie

Julie Krohner

Minnie grew up in what she calls a hostile environment, with narcissistic parents incapable of creating a safe or nurturing home. She spent years longing for her mother to take care of her, instead of the other way around. Along the way she learned many techniques to retain her self-worth and to live a happy life. This episode is intensely painful, and a reminder that we are born with an equal chance to have our basic needs met - safety, shelter, love. When one or more is compromised, it’s an uphill battle to establish peace and positivity. What will you learn from Minnie?


The Art of Loving, Eric Fromm

Havening, Paul McKenna:

Bessel VanDer Kolk (On Being podcast episode, How Trauma Lodges in the Body) 

Calming your vagus nerve 

Heart rate variability monitoring 

Post-traumatic Growth 

Minnie’s podcast - it’s about empowerment!